Celebrate the National Day of Pleasure with Lovers!
Join us in celebration of Lovers National Day of Pleasure. This special day was created to encourage all people to carve out 40 minutes to honor and celebrate the value of pleasure to the human spirit. In times where people are managing extra responsibilities with working from home, parenting from home, schooling from home, and being stuck at home, Lovers is asking everyone to be shamelessly selfish about pleasure on this day. While it may feel impossible to find the time and space to stop, we’re designating March 12th as the day everyone can pause for pleasure. If we can take even 5 minutes at a time, and find the simplest pleasure in the way the air smells, embrace the sensation of a favorite sweater, luxuriate for 3 minutes longer in a perfectly temperate shower before heading back to the non-stop of our day to day lives – we can open our minds and bodies to the entirety of pleasure.
Shamelessly claim your pleasure with the #40MinuteChallenge:
We are asking people to honor this day amongst the backdrop and a year’s worth of uncertainty, monotony, fear, and challenges. This is a challenge to invest in yourself, in joy, in gratitude, in being present. Pleasure can come from endless places and no two people experience it in the same way, but we can all agree it's the feeling that keeps us all going and often what brings us together. To honor that feeling, we’ve created the #40MinuteChallenge. We encourage you to participate and share your story of reclaiming a short period of pleasure. Taking part in the challenge is simple:
- Choose something that brings you true and meaningful pleasure. It doesn’t have to be complex, it can be hugging your dog, taking a nap, or may we suggest spending some time with your vibrator? Find more inspo here.
- Decide how you’re going to make your 40 minutes of pleasure happen. All at once? 5 minutes at a time? We encourage you to do what works best for you and also we want to see you put your pleasure first. Try to get all 40 minutes in today!
- Take a picture or video that represents how you found 40 minutes of pleasure and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #40MinuteChallenge and the tag @loversstores for a chance to win a $500 Lovers Gift Card. Learn more about our giveaway in our 40 Minute Challenge Blog.
For over 40 years Lovers mission has been to support the sexual journey of all people, and help everyone who walks through the doors of our 41 stores explore what gives them pleasure in a safe and inclusive environment. We’re continuing that work with the National Day of Pleasure and we hope you’ll join us.
Don’t forget to share with us that you took the challenge and celebrated the National Day of Pleasure!
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube: @LoversStores
Further Readings:
How to Get More Pleasure Out of Every Day Life: Psychology Today
5 Practical Ways to Enhance Pleasure: Medium
101 Simple Pleasures: Minimalism Made Simple