Dana (@danathehardway) is the lead copywriter for Lovers. She is passionate about writing, allyship, sex-positivity, and telling good jokes.

With the breakneck pace of life as we know it, it’s hard to set aside one-on-one time with your partner during even the most mundane of seasons. Add kids or extended family that live close enough to be around pretty often, alone time together probably gets even more scarce. Find yourself bleary-eyed at yet another holiday soiree or with a revolving door of houseguests and you might be feeling like being alone with your favorite person was something that only happened in a dream you once had. 

Connection is so important, especially with the person you share a life with, and can be a key ingredient to surviving the (albeit mostly enjoyable) holiday season hoopla. The secret is not to accept defeat and to look for the workarounds! Even a few minutes of making out or just talking to each other exclusively can make a difference. To help you fight the good fight, we assembled a list of ways to make sure you get that special time with your special someone. Double points if you can make that time into sexy time! Shop at Lovers for great sex toys to take anywhere, set any mood, and make the most of your alone time!

10 Ways to Get Your Partner Alone for the Holidays

  • It doesn’t have to be a whole night alone - Got 10 minutes? Make it count. As we mentioned above- makeout, snuggle, ask questions, and actively listen- whatever you need to feel realigned with your partner.

  • Go to bed at the same time.

  • Get up a little earlier to chat (or fool around!).

  • Leave the function early. Go home before you’re so tired you can’t keep your eyes open to actually look at your person.

  • Leave work early. This isn’t possible for everyone, but if you can- worth consideration!

  • Put the kids to bed early, or accept that screen time is your friend, maybe.

  • Go for a drive/sit in the car. This doesn’t mean driving to the function, but if you’ve got a few extra minutes, have a sit and decompress before you dive into the festival fray!

  • Sneak to a secluded place DURING the function- *cough cough, smoke break anyone?*

  • Create a tradition that includes just the two of you and calendar that the way you would all the other shenanigans.

  • If all else fails, plan a date or getaway or day in bed or quiet afternoon, whatever you can do, for after the holiday hoopla to look forward to and remind each other that it’s in the calendar and on the way.

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Further Readings:
Should You Ask Your Partner to Spend the Holidays With You?: Bustle
Relationship Advice for Couples Spending Holidays Apart: Refinery29
When Does a Partner Become Part of 'The Family?': The Atlantic



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