Guest written by Missy Modell, a musical parody artist and activist focused on the intersection of social justice and pop culture. Missy is the founder of YES MAM Creative, a consultancy for mission-based brands. You can find Missy on Instagram at @missymodell.

Welcome to your pleasure awakening. Whether you’re venturing solo or with a partner, the addition of CBD and/or THC will undoubtedly take your experiences to a new level of sensation. Sex and cannabis is the pairing your body was designed for. Let us explain. 


  1. How Does Cannabis Affect Your Pleasure?
  2. How Does Cannabis Benefit Me?
  3. How Does Cannabis Interact with my Body?
  4. Where Can I Find Cannabis Sex Products?

How Cannabis Influences Your Pleasure

We all have an endocannabinoid system, which serves important functions for our brain, endocrine, and immune tissues. While science is still studying the deeper effects, we know that the complex Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is easy to throw off balance, and is affected by stress, diet, and general lifestyle choices.

What are the Benefits of Using Cannabis During Sex?

Lack of equilibrium absolutely affects our daily lives both inside and outside the bedroom. Luckily, research shows that the phytocannabinoids in the cannabis plant positively interact with the ECS. Health benefits of CBD may include stress relief, immunity support, pain management, mood boosts, and more. This is where the pleasure potential comes in. 


*according to a study done in 2019, “The Relationship between Marijuana Use Prior to Sex and Sexual Function in Women.” 

Pairing intimate moments with CBD and/or THC has some incredible benefits. 

  • More powerful orgasms
  • Increased arousal
  • Relaxes the body
  • Enhances sensitivity 
  • Supports pain relief

How Does Cannabis Interact with My Body?

The addition of CBD and/or THC to your next sexual experience can support and amplify the discovery of your body’s fullest potential. As Kush Queen says, “It’s no secret that genital arousal is characterized by blood flow to the region resulting in erect and swollen genitalia and increased sensitivity. As a vasodilator, CBD works to relax the muscles of the arteries allowing blood to flow through with more ease. The results are increased arousal, an increased depth and frequency of climax, and a diminishment of pain and tension.”

Need more evidence? Verified buyers of Kush Queen CBD Lube report results ranging from intensified orgasms in healthy women, to “penis hugs” from happy husbands, renewed sexual satisfaction for post-menopausal women, to pain-free intercourse for the first time ever, a wide spectrum of people are discovering how and why CBD lube works for their intimate needs.

Where Can I Find Cannabis Sex Products?

Luckily for you, Lovers sells some incredible CBD products just for your pleasure. You can find a full assortment of products at any of our retail locations. Find a Lovers Store near you!

Looking to learn more about CBD sex? Check out our new blog with Luna Matatas and Foria Wellness.

Want more great sex tips?
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