Guest written by Rain Andersen (@wearenotfriends_) a veteran sworker with eight years in adult entertainment and three years working for Lovers.
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia is observed every year on May 17th. This holiday is designed to raise awareness about the discrimination of LGBTQIA+ individuals through the coordination of grass-root events across the globe. A global pandemic has made it difficult to mobilize in support of these important holidays which is why Lovers has curated a list of ways that you can raise awareness from the safety of your home. Lovers stands against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. Continue reading for six of our favorite ways to support the LGBTQIA+ community on any day of the year.
Write a Letter to Your Local Policy Representatives: The 2021 legislative calendar will address bills that are designed to advance and hinder nondiscrimination laws impacting the LGBTQIA+ community. The success or failure of each of these bills will influence LGBTQIA+ access to medical, educational, and financial services across the United States. We can influence the progress of these bills by increasing public awareness and participating in local outreach. You can find a complete list of nondiscrimination bills, anti-transgender bills, and religious exemption bills through the bipartisan campaign site, Freedom for All Americans. Freedom for All Americans brings Republicans and Democrats together to secure full nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQIA+ people nationwide. You can find active bills and their related sponsors on the Freedom for All Americans legislative map with contact information for individuals involved with each bill.
Donate to a LGBTQIA+ Non-Profit: Donating to a non-profit organization allows you to invest in policies, services, and resources for LGBT individuals. Donating to a non-profit is a quick and meaningful way to show your support and allows organizations to determine where your money can be most impactful. There are virtually thousands of non-profit organizations designed to support LGBT individuals. Determining whether you’d like to distribute your funds locally, nationally, or globally can help you to find a non-profit organization that resonates with you. You can find a list of LGBTQIA+ non-profit organizations on the Charity Navigator website.
Sign an Online Petition in Support of the LGBTQIA+ Community: Support members of the LGBT community by organizing or participating in a petition for LGBT rights. Change is platform that allows people to petition for a variety of causes. Change curates a list of ongoing petitions for LGBT rights that can be digitally signed and shared, creating conversations around political change and activism.
Promote This Day Through Your Social Channels: Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are notorious for their discrimination policies against marginalized communities. Despite the impact of these policies, we continue to flock to these services as a form of validation and self-expression. Because these social media platforms are so saturated, they help us to establish communities within the digital space. We need this more than ever in an era of social distancing. We encourage you to continue using these platforms as a tool for political activism, allowing yourself the ability to share ideas, express concerns, and raise awareness for the LGBT community.
Support LGBTQIA+ Artists: You can show your support to the LGBT community by purchasing from Queer artists. Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community struggle to secure gainful employment as a result of the stigmas and attitudes towards Queer identities. Supporting Queer artists helps to create conversations around LGBT representation and fund members from a marginalized community.
Educate Yourself with an LGBTQIA+ Book or Film: One way to honor the LGBT community is become a better representative for LGBT rights. You can do this by educating yourself on LGBT culture, recognizing and unlearning cultural stigmas, and supporting the work of LGBT artists, writers, actors, and directors. Here are six films and television series by LGBT directors that you can binge watch on May 17th:
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Further Readings
Redefining Pride: Queer in Quarantine: Office Magazine
NYC Pride Organizers Ban NYPD From Events Until 2025: CNN
Houston Kids Confront Anti-Trans Legislation That Targets Them: Houston Chronicle